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- Find Something That Makes You Feel Like You
Find Something That Makes You Feel Like You
After losing a bit of my sparkle in motherhood, I'm finally finding my way back to feeling like me and it's oh so good!

Find Something That Makes You Feel Like You
What a gift it is to know exactly what you want to do in life and be able to achieve it. I never had this insight. When I was young my career goal was literally “to be fabulous”! When people asked what I wanted to do when I grew up, I literally answered, “I’m going to be fabulous!” There was also a time I really wanted to be a One Hit Wonder but being “fabulous” just felt a little safer. My poor parents worried incessantly about their deluded little daughter and her unstable future.
I knew I was talented in several areas, but I never felt a calling to one single profession. My college education ranged from vocal performance, theater performance, costume design, hospitality management and more specifically, oenology (the art of wine). I debated going into teaching for a moment and finally found my footing in sales. I never lost my dream of being “fabulous” though and always worked to live, moving from one adventure to the next.
I suppose the only true “calling” I’ve ever felt in life was for motherhood although it’s not something you can study on a university level. I’ve always known I wanted to be home with my children and cannot imagine anything I’m more called to do. However, running around in leggings every day while mitigating tantrums from the front seat of my minivan isn’t exactly the “fabulous” dream of my youth. When I worked, even though I wasn’t in love with my job, I loved the way it made me feel. I had daily tangible accomplishments that gave my self-esteem a boost. I had daily meetings to attend where people stopped and listened to what I had to say. I had fabulous outfits and a tolerance for heels!
When my kids were younger it was hard to make time for myself because their school days were so short and their needs so great. Now I’m about to begin the school year with later pick-ups and more free time to regain a little of that “fabulous” hustle I’ve missed. What’s more, I’m actually able to use more and more of my miscellaneous talents than I ever dreamed possible. What fun for my ADHD!
My previous experience as a catering director has prepared me to Chair our school gala, serve on a special events committee and manage all culinary needs for Camp UOTS. My musical theater training and time as a wedding singer (oh yeah, we’ll get back to that magic another time) has helped me inspire my kids’ love of music and even perform with them! My sewing skills are mostly used in the repair of damaged stuffed animals, but I always knock the kids’ socks off with the results. My need to serve others is fed in my work with Camp UOTS, Friends of South Florida Music, Camillus House and Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. My love of teaching is constantly being fed in my role as a mother, but I also find myself offering “motherly guidance” to friends in the gym, in the grocery store and ultimately in the kitchen. Lastly, let’s not forget my love for food and incessant need to tell stories is fully fed in this blog!
While I wasn’t quite able to pinpoint exactly what I wanted to do with myself in my younger years, I can honestly say that my life has become something so damn FABULOUS! I know I’m talking an awful lot about myself today but I’m feeding my soul with activities that truly make me feel like me and it’s a beautiful feeling. I want all the women in my life to feel like they’re hitting their stride and are finding ways to employ your unique talents on a daily basis. It would be an awful waste to keep that fabulous beauty from others.
Quick Recipes for Busy Bitches
I promised a few recipes today and I’m making good on that promise! Below are recipes for two full-proof and delicious dinners and an incredibly simple dessert. Both the salmon and chicken can be prepared ahead of time and baked in an air fryer if you prefer it. For the Rice Krispies you need to go straight to Trader Joe’s and buy up their marshmallows before the end of August because they’re seasonal and you will miss them all year if you don’t! I personally have a stash of 5 bags and need more! If you ever have any questions about my recipes, please feel free to shoot me a DM on my socials or send an email to [email protected].

A Few Final Thoughts:
What’s with all the men making specialty ice lately? Are there more of you losing freezer space to these huge contraptions that make perfect spheres/cubes? I’m just asking for a friend.
Is the Bermuda Triangle still a thing? My childhood fears comprised of quicksand and the elusive Bermuda Triangle, and I feel like we were fed a pack of lies!
Does anybody actually care about Kourtney Kardashian Barker’s 4th pregnancy? This woman’s PR team is sending out pics of her daily and I’d like to remind everyone again that it is her FOURTH pregnancy! Unless that baby is born with a face tattoo that says “Chug Lyfe,” I could care less!
I’d just like to give a quick shoutout to people who actually leave online reviews and want you to know I see you and know that you are doing the Lordt’s work!
Be Cool xoxo