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- What Wine to Serve These Turkeys on Thanksgiving
What Wine to Serve These Turkeys on Thanksgiving
When Thanksgiving has you stressed out, focus on the booze and live your life!

Oh, my dears, my Riveters, I miss you all so much! I hate that I neglected my writing this past month, but I am first and always a wife and mother. This is my chosen career and writing is my side hustle. My time and talents are needed in other areas right now, so I’ve had to switch gears. What I want to express is that while my writing has slowed down it’s not because I don’t have multiple topics bubbling in my head at all times. This girl’s brain never turns off!
Thankfully, I wrote a funny piece years ago for 305Hive that I’m able to share with you again today! I also have a recipe for my favorite roast chicken which is honestly infinitely better than a turkey. I promise to be more consistent in 2024 and hope to write for you again next month! Happy Thanksgiving!
What Wines to Serve These Turkeys on Thanksgiving
Where on earth did October go? Just when I was getting past my endless Halloween Hangover, I was run over by Daylight Savings Time, and now Thanksgiving is literally right around the corner! While this is generally known as the stepchild of the holiday season, I honestly love Thanksgiving. It’s an opportunity for everyone to get together and try their best to churn out a fantastic dish and share in the love of their family. However, for others, this can be a horrific parade of unruly relatives, so the wine you drink is the only thing helping you keep it together and not throw a little cranberry sauce on your grandma’s passive-Aggressive commentary.
Since you traditionally serve turkey at Thanksgiving, it’s a common misconception that you should pair your wines accordingly. However, turkey is a fairly bland protein, so unless you’re enjoying an exceptionally flavorful recipe, you’re best off pairing this meal with wines that match the sweet, buttery, and often decadent side dishes on the dinner table. Here’s a list of my favorite wine varietals to get you through the holiday, and I highly recommend drinking a variety of different wines throughout the meal. If nothing else, for your own survival.
Champagne and Sparkling Wines
I honestly can’t think of a time when champagne isn’t appropriate. Bubbles, floral bouquets, and light acidity will help you enjoy baked brie, stuffed mushrooms, or that beautiful cheese board. Also, you can play a little game with your cousin where you take a sip every time your drunk uncle asks, “Did I ever tell you about the time…?” Yes, Uncle Charlie. Everyone knows “about the time.” Everyone. (Sip)
Chardonnay or Chablis
For the die-hard white wine drinkers, you can never go wrong with a classic Chardonnay on Thanksgiving. My recommendation would be to go for a crisp Chardonnay with a lighter finish instead of the traditional California oak and butter we’re all familiar with. You want something that will stand up well with cranberry dressing, green bean casserole, and that cousin who can’t leave the political commentary or conspiracy theories for another day. I can neither agree nor deny that this wine makes them less obnoxious, but it’s always worth a try.
Riesling or Gewurztraminer
Both Riesling and her French cousin from Alsace (although their 23 and Me profile tells a deeper story), Gewurztraminer, are grapes cultivated to be paired with heavy and fatty fare. The other beautiful part about these varietals is that their flavor profile can dabble on the sweet side, so if you have that aunt who still misses white zinfandel, you might be able to please her with one of these. But don’t be fooled; the nose is floral with notes of green apple and a honeysuckle-like sweetness with no lack of complexity and crispness in this bottle.
Let’s be honest, is there ever a bad time for a glass of Rosé? This is an excellent accompaniment to that Honey Baked Ham you’re all eyeballing since you know your aunt is going to overcook that turkey again. Also, let’s be honest, we live in Miami, and if you’re eating dinner outside (like most of us), you need to serve something that pairs well with lechon and beads of sweat. We are so very attractive in this humidity.
Beaujolais Nouveau
This is the traditional wine of choice in my family and, in my opinion, the most “Thanksgiving” wine out there! Why, you might ask? This is the first wine to be bottled after the harvest in the fall. When you drink a bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau, you’re enjoying something that was still on the vine just a few months ago. It’s meant to be enjoyed quickly and lightly chilled and has a very light body with a bright, fruity finish. Basically, this baby pairs well with just about anything, and it’s easy drinkability provides for a very tough exterior when fending off that one grand aunt who can’t understand why you’re not thinner/prettier/more successful/married/sweeter like your cousin Nicky. Why? Why can’t you be like Nicky???
Pinot Noir
The beautiful thing about Pinot Noir is it’s the delicate red wine that can truly get you through all the holidays. Pinot Noir’s lighter tannins and notes of red fruit go well with everything from a fried turkey and candied yams to Lechon and yucca frita. Even tofurkey pairs well with this varietal! This is also an excellent wine to help you tune out that helpful commentary on how over-salted/under-salted/over-cooked/under-cooked your turkey is. Make your own damn turkey next time people. I’m just going to drink my wine.
It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without dessert, and uncomfortable silences, so let’s keep the drinking going! Sauternes is a beautiful wine made from grapes that have fallen victim to noble rot, which gives their juice a more concentrated, honey-like quality. Made from Sémillon, Sauvignon Blanc, and Muscadelle grapes, this wine tastes of apricots, honey, and peaches without being overly sweet. Pumpkin and Pecan Pies have now met their match!
Just a thought for this holiday season, why not make flights of wines an assignment for someone to bring instead of competing casseroles? I mean, I’ve clearly created a cheat sheet for you here, so why not run with it?
If you’ve made it through the entire meal without having to break up a fight or ground your children, then the holiday is now a success! Just remember to look around the table and give thanks for the people you’re sharing the holiday with. Though they may drive you a bit mad, chances are they love you with all of their deranged hearts. Happy Thanksgiving!
*Originally published on www.305hive.com
Quick Recipes for Busy Bitches
Confession time: I’m honestly not a fan of turkey. Welp! I know that this wildly unpopular this time of year but there it is! Mind you, I’ve certainly enjoyed my fair share of bird and have made a few tasty ones over the years myself. However, it’s a huge pain in the neck and will never compare to an incredibly juicy hen. This recipe is very simple and yields delicious results every time. Also, if you’ve ever wanted a full-proof dinner party recipe, you’re welcome! My spoiled husband gets to enjoy this every couple of weeks and now you can too! Enjoy!

PS: If you double this recipe you can use this on a turkey and it’s delicious! With either a chicken or a turkey you can prep the bird days in advance, cover it in plastic and pull it out of the fridge an hour before preparing. Enjoy!
A Few Final Thoughts
Forget Travis Kelce, if you don’t already know who Sam Hartman is then get to Google and join the fan club! I come from a family of Domers (Notre Dame alumni for us common folk) and gurrrrrl, just trust me on this one.
Have you guys seen all this P Diddy gossip?! I feel like the Mute R. Kelly ladies need to get involved and take care of business!
I just saw a TikTok that said, “If you’re old, you may remember Sean Aston from Goonies” and I feel personally attacked. Shut up children. You know nothing.
Confession: I don’t watch Hallmark movies. The only way I can handle one is while drinking heavily and I can’t do this on a daily basis.
Be Cool. xoxo